“Must See” Christmas Light List for the Cape Girardeau Area

Updated December 17, 2024

If you have or know of a large Christmas light show or display that should be listed here, please email us at lights@lunarden.com. Please be sure include the address or at least the cross-streets.

🎄 = Confirmed for 2024 season!

Synchronized Musical/Multimedia Light Shows

Hubbard Family Lights 🎄
1565 Jennifer Dr
Jackson, MO

Hubbard Family Lights raises money for Care Portal. There is a donation box in front of the display. Very large and impressive display that is easy to get to/from. Be sure to check out https://facebook.com/Hubbardfamilylights for updates.

1565 Jennifer Dr.

Oak Hills Lights 🎄
1606 Oak Hills St
Cape Girardeau, MO

Oak Hills Lights is a musical multimedia light show that started in 2020. We are on the corner of Bertling and Bel Air at the top of the hill.

We don’t accept donations on-site, and ask that you donate directly to:
Safe Harbor Animal Sanctuary

For the best view, head east from Cape Rock on Huntington Dr. That’s where the line usually forms. Please don’t block driveways.

1606 Oak Hills St.

2322 Earleen Dr. 🎄
Cape Girardeau, MO

We don’t have any information about this show, other than you can see it off Lexington near the fire station, and it’s easy to get to from Abbey Rd. or Kent Dr. If you are a fan of singing trees- you will love it! If this is your show- please reach out if there is anything you would like to share about it: lights@lunarden.com

Lighting the Lane *
716 Strawberry Lane

This is a pretty musical light show. It’s easy to get to/from.
*2024: It had been storming all day when we drove by and only part of it was lit up. We don’t know how complete their show is this year.
If this is your show- please reach out if there is anything you would like to share about it: lights@lunarden.com

Larger Conventional Light and Prop Displays

Groves – 1719 Brookwood Dr, Cape Girardeau 🎄

There is construction on Cape Rock this year, but you can still get to Brookwood from Cape Rock on the Perryville side, or Perryville itself. This is a large set of displays spanning several houses. It’s been a “must-see” in Cape for many years now.

It is also very close to Oak Hills Lights:

1621 Mulberry St, Jackson MO 🎄

“We’re mostly a DIY display. All of the wooden pieces were made by us, including the Santa & reindeer on the roof. We also have a mailbox where kids can send letters to Santa & they will receive a letter back. Part of the lights are set to music.”

Candlestick Lane (Fairlane Drive), Multi-Home Neighborhood Display 🎄

Candlestick Lane

2038 Perryville Rd, Cape Girardeau, MO Not lit this year. 🙁

Other Christmas Lights/Displays to Visit

Cape Girardeau:

Cape County Park SOUTH (Drive-thru. Sponsored displays.) 🎄
(Moved from Cape County Park North this year.)

Downtown Cape, Main, Broadway, and Spanish Streets (Municipal Display) 🎄

Timothy Circle (multiple houses) 🎄

2624 Melrose Ave – Lots of Inflatables! 🎄

2019 Concord Place 🎄

1722 Crestwood (Cape Rock and Crestwood) 🎄
(Just a few blocks away from Oak Hills Lights.)

Email us if you would like to recommend a display in Cape Girardeau: lights@lunarden.com


  • Email us if you would like to recommend a display in Gordonville: lights@lunarden.com


  • Jackson City Park (Drive-thru. Memorial and Sponsored displays.)
  • Uptown Jackson (Main and High Streets)
  • Email us if you would like to recommend a display in Jackson: lights@lunarden.com

Scott City:

208 – 212 Nellie Ave, just off of Main Street in Scott City. 🎄

  • Scott City Park (Drive-thru. Memorial displays.)
  • Cloverdale neighborhood. Lots of decorated homes.
  • Email us if you would like to recommend a display in Scott City: lights@lunarden.com

Here is an updated 2024 “Lit List”, courtesy of Jessie Green. She compiles a new list every year. This list is great because it is organized geographically, making it perfect for driving.

Media Information: Anyone is free to republish our list. We ask that if you publish it online or in print that you credit us or provide a direct link to it. (https://oakhillslights.com/area-light-list) If you use Jessie Green’s list (above), please credit her.

For more information, please email us at lights@lunarden.com.

Most of the initial information for our list came from the Southeast Missourian. The same list was published and shared by other local media outlets and social media accounts and appears to have originated in 2019. It was not updated for a few years, and many of the locations listed no-longer had displays, so we decided to try to create a new list for everyone.