We will be running a limited playlist of non-Christmas songs tonight until Midnight. I believe Jeff’s Lights and Hubbard Family Lights are running tonight as-well. This is Jeff’s last year doing pixels.
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Some of our newer videos are online now.
Continue reading...Regular Hours Tonight!
Well, it looks like it’s going to be a very wet night. We are just going to run our regular 5-10pm hours starting tonight, and won’t be doing a kick-off at 7pm this time.
Continue reading...Light Shows Starting!
Our show starts tomorrow night (Saturday, Nov. 26th). Groves have their Christmas show up and running now. Hubbard Family Lights started their show tonight, “Black Friday”. Jeff’s Lights start up on Monday night, Nov. 28th. Please see our area light list for more details. Please contribute to our list if …
Continue reading...Thanksgiving Show!
Okay, it’s small, but we found a great sequence called “Gobble Gobble” that we couldn’t resist… Now through “Black Friday” we are running the following short playlist: Our full Christmas light show starts Saturday, Nov. 26 at 7pm. After that it will run 5-10pm every night until Christmas. We will …
Continue reading...Setup Complete!
Still chasing some technical issues and the deer have already started breaking things, but we are about ready to go! The layout changed a bit from what was previously announced, and we may still add more before Christmas. Thanksgiving lights (no music) start this Saturday, Nov. 19th. Christmas light shows …
Continue reading...Sneak Peek at This Year’s Layout
…and a new sequence! Please note- the above is just a simulation of what our show MIGHT look like this December. Everything is subject to change, and we will not start decorating until after Halloween. There may be more layout updates and samples to come.
Continue reading...Tonight is the last night for our show, for 2021.
If you want to see the lights one last time- tonight is the night! We’ve loaded our whole playlist for one last night: 5pm – Midnight (hours updated).
Continue reading...More videos added…
I finished cleaning up and adding the rest of the videos for this year’s show. We have a lot more in our playlist, but this is a good sampling.
Continue reading...Extending Run!
We were only going to run until this Sunday, Dec. 26, but have decided to go ahead and do a smaller playlist through New Year’s Eve. We will only be playing upbeat Christmas and non-Christmas songs next week. We will still be shuffling the list, but it won’t be quite …
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