Our 2023 Christmas Show has concluded.
Any playlist shown below is for internal testing only.
Please check back this Fall.
Our playlist is shuffled daily, and repeats during our posted show times.*
We play a mix of old and new Christmas music, but also include some Disney hits for the kids and kids at-heart. Some other non-Christmas songs may be included that are part of current or past media/contest entries, such as xLights Around the World, or just because we enjoy them. 😊
The playlist may be paused, restarted, reshuffled, or a song may be restarted or skipped for technical or other reasons. Because of this we are unable to provide specific song times. The Now Playing information may be delayed by up to 15 seconds due internet and processing delays.
If you have a special request or would like to suggest a song for us to add, please use our Facebook page or send an email to:
*We will occasionally run a shorter playlist for special events or groups. For example, we may run a special playlist for video recording, or for a senior or church group visiting us. These special playlists won’t show up here and the show won’t follow the order above while they are running. We will resume the night’s full playlist once the event is finished.